Being the Me-ist Me — Angel Angles

Being the Me-ist Me


I remember learning the song “This Little Light of Mine” in Sunday School at about eight years old. It is thought to have been written by Harry Dixon Loes.  I knew then at that tender age that I didn’t want to hide my light under a bushel; oh know…I wanted to let it shine. I knew I wanted to shine my light in the world to be the me-ist me I could be. Bruce Springsteen does a great live version from Dublin, Ireland, of the song that is pure joy that you can view on YouTube.

There are so many ways to shine our light in the world, but the best way is to do what truly lights us up. Doing that thing makes you so happy and fulfilled that you lose track of time while doing it. You’d get up early or stay up late doing it just for the sheer and utter delight it brings you. That is your gift to the world. That is being the me-ist me I can be. I often say the Janette-ist Janette I came here to be.

What is it that lights you up and makes you be your you-ist you, dear heart? That is your gift to the world; that is what you came here to do.

I lost my way in my teen years. I deliberately remember thinking Now that I’m a woman, I’m going to put my childlike ways behind me and be a ”responsible adult.“ Oh…those were some tough times. I squashed my inner child, my sense of wonder and delight, my sense of joy and radiance to conform into the daughter, student, friend…I thought I should be.

Fast forward thirty years. I enjoyed a career in finance and human resources, working full-time for 36 years. I had a happy life, was fulfilled by being a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend…and contemplating what retirement would look like I knew I wanted to do the work of my soul.

The angels were calling and guiding me and it was challenging to go from a “normal” left-brained career to doing the “out there” or “woo-woo” work of my soul.

I retired six years ago. At first, I was afraid to put my name on my website and of being seen in the world. I took things slow at first. I was living in alignment with my dreams and desires, and the bigness was often frightening, yet I knew in faith that I was being called. I was being led. I was expanding into being the me-ist me or the Janette-ist Janette I came here to be.

My first book was self-published in 2016. I had no idea what I was doing yet I felt the angels were leading me to put my words out there. I created the book cover in blue, which is the color relating to the throat chakra, which signifies speaking our truth and being visible in the world.

I wanted to be the next Louise Hay.

Pancreatic Cancer in 2019 taught me a whole new level of being brave and living in gratitude, being the me-ist me, the Janette-ist Janette I could possibly be. I put my business on the back burner while I focused on flourishing and healing during that time.

In early 2020, when I was regaining my strength, I was being nudged to do a weekly Facebook Live in my Angel Angles Circle of Gratitude group. I was petrified to do a Facebook Live since the day my mentor was asked to show her breasts during a Facebook Live a few years earlier. I thought I’m never going to put myself in such a position…Now I’m doing a Facebook Live talk and mini-angel card reading each week for the past 18 months. Was I scared? Yes. Am I grateful I listened to my inner guidance? Yes. So grateful.

Think how much happier we all would be if we did what we came here to do and didn’t worry about what we should do or be. You be the you-ist you, you can be, and I’ll be the me-ist me. Imagine what a world that would be?! I’m cheering you on, dear heart, as you lean in to be the you-ist you, you came here to be. Sending you blessings of love, joy, and peace always.

This Article Originally posted on May 12, 2021, on Brave Healer Productions
