Ignite Your Joy
a four-week journey to ignite your joy and light up your life
In today's message I've included a passage below from my book "On a Path of Joy", Vol. Three, Day 7 titled "The Stronger Pull of What You Really Love." This beautiful quote by Rumi is here to delight you today.
Rumi is one of my favorite poets, perhaps yours, too. What a beautiful quote this is.
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” Rumi
Today, dear one, as you move through your day, be aware of the magnetic pull of what you desire and move ever closer to fulfilling that yearning. If you desire spending more time with your children, how can you make that happen?
If you really love photography, release any fears, excuses or restraint about getting your camera equipment out and take a few pictures today. If you love walking at the river, take a few minutes and make that happen.
This self-care not only benefits you, dear one, by increasing your level of joy by doing something that you love, it increases the energetic vibration of all those you come in contact with; you help make the world a better place.
What is pulling you strongly today, dear one?
Take a few moments to clear your mind and feel into this. Close your eyes, place your hand on your heart, and take a few deep breaths, and now ask yourself, “What is pulling me strongly today? What do I really love to do?”
Once you have your answer, see if you can spend even just a few minutes doing that thing that is pulling you strongly today.
Here’s to you for taking a few minutes to do something that you LOVE today. What a blessing to you and a blessing to the world.
Here is this week’s coloring page. I hope you it brings you so much joy. Here are some tips to making your coloring time even more enJOYable:
Light a candle and put on some soothing (or fun) music, depending on your mood.
Get centered by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths in and exhaling longer on the exhale.
Focus your full attention on the coloring page and let your intuition guide you in choosing the colors.
We’d love it if you’d come to the Facebook Group. Join us here and let us know what JOY you found.