Ignite Your Joy
a four-week journey to ignite your joy and light up your life
Here is this week’s coloring page. I hope you it brings you so much joy. Here are some tips to making your coloring time even more enJOYable:
Light a candle and put on some soothing (or fun) music, depending on your mood.
Get centered by closing your eyes, placing your hand on your heart and taking a few deep breaths in and exhaling longer on the exhale.
Focus your full attention on the coloring page and let your intuition guide you in choosing the colors.
What is Your Inner Child Craving to do Today?
Let’s get back to our inner child today and give her some more love and attention. I bring this back again to share with you how very freeing and joy-filling tending to our playful inner child can be.
What is your inner child hungry for or craving to do today?
Here's an invitation from the angels using my inspirational card deck "Love Notes from The Divine.” They want you to consider being playful.
"Beloved, the time is right for you to make time for play today."
Will you listen to the wisdom of the angels and your inner child today? Even a few moments of childlike pleasure/wonder can increase your level of joy.
Here's a few ideas to spark your imagination:
Play with Play-Doh
Finger paint
Color this week’s coloring page (either click the photo above or find it in this week’s workbook)
Listen to some of your favorite music from your childhood
Paint a picture of your favorite childhood doll
Play a game of Jacks
*Please see this week’s workbook for a page to list some of your inner child’s cravings for today.
We’d love it if you’d come to the Facebook Group. Join us here and let us know what JOY you found.