Divine Guidance

Nature is Calling: walking in wonder and amazement


Nature is Calling:

Walking in Wonder and Amazement

I wanted to do a little something different for my birthday this year. Our weather was so lovely and the great outdoors was calling. I wanted to get outside and have some fun. Maybe you do too, dear one.

I asked my husband if we could go walking in a park before our family dinner of celebration. He agreed. The park we planned to walk at was closed and under construction. So we changed our plans and found a new place to enjoy ourselves.

We took off to see what this new park and trail system had to offer. It had lots of majestic oak trees in various stages of rebirth following the season of rest.

The oaks closest to the creek were already leafed out. The trees farthest from the creek still looked "dead" according to my hubby. I invited him to look at the trees and see how they were emerging back-to-life at various stages. I was feeling the wonder and magnificence of their cycle of life and its implications in my own life.

I captured this picture of an oak just beginning its re-leafing process. The leaves start as yellow nubs at the furthest tips of the branches. The branches near the center of the tree remain barren.

Life is re-emerging following a season of rest. It is the way of nature.

Taking this walk and feeling the magic of our journey felt amazing. It felt like wonder. It felt profound. The angels urged me to write about it here with you today, dear one.

Are you feeling life emerging for you too, dear heart? If so, what is seeking to be born? Where do you want to place your energy?

If not, enjoy the rest until you are urged to start blooming yourself. It is all perfect and wonderfully timed.

The angels are reminding us to enjoy the blessed gift of nature. It is a wonderland awaiting our attention.

What beauty are you seeing today in your world?

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.


Nature is such a joy. If you are looking to bask in the energy of joy for 4 weeks come join us in Ignite Your Joy, early bird registration ends April 1. Save $11. Find out MORE NOW.

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Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.


Loving Movement : Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

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Loving Movement

Welcome to our message of the week for Dec. 28, 2020 – Jan. 2, 2021

“Your beautiful body loves to move. Treat yourself to some loving movement every day. How can you incorporate more motions into your day? The more you move, the more you want to move, the easier it becomes. Physical activity leads to a better sense of emotional and mental wellness; it is so good for you! Be good to you!”

I have been guided to select this message for my theme of 2021. I have been thinking of ways I can incorporate more physical activity into my day. We are meant to be physically active and our body enjoys it so much.

I am so grateful for the ability to move my precious body because I was unable to physically do what I wanted due to the rigors of pancreatic cancer and chemotherapy just last year.

I had prided myself on getting my 10,000 steps a day mostly by walking out in nature or doing an indoor boot camp. During my illness, it was difficult for me just to walk into the next room.

I’m embracing the ability of loving movement from a place of gratitude honoring the gift of my vibrant health and not from a place of “I Should” or “I Need” to do it out of a sense of obligation, loathing, or a strict resolution.

I am so grateful that my health has returned and I can once more do anything I desire and I appreciate that so much. Amen and Hallelujah.

Each day, I enjoy walking in nature and looking for beauty in my midst, counting my blessings and appreciating the ability to move freely once more.

Here are some ways I’m putting more motion into my day:

·       Start the day dancing, stretching, and moving while my coffee is brewing.

·       Raising my arms while I wait for my dog to finish his outdoor duties.

·       Afternoon dance party.

·       Marching in place while I brush my teeth.

·       Going an extra block or two in our daily walks.

·       Trying yoga, tai chi, or energy medicine.

·       Walking after dinner.

Maybe you are being called to put more motion into your days also. I’d love to hear what activities you are doing.

Last year, I was guided to create an annual/monthly reading to help guide my days using my Love Notes from The Divine inspirational card deck and guidance from the angels. This year, they guided me to create an offering for you with customized messages for the year, and each month called “Your Year: Unveiled.” It’s like a roadmap, GPS, or guideposts for the year divinely derived just for you. Find out more HERE. I feel it will bless your heart and life as much as it has mine.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.


Enjoy a beautiful,devotional-self-care, and gratitude journal with lots of room to write which includes 21 journal prompts pdf as an opt-in gift to my weekly love letter from the Angels.

Need more peace in your life and want to find out about the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.


Knowledge : Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Dec, 13-19 2020.

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for Dec. 13-19, 2020.

“The wisdom of the ages is pulsing through your veins. You have a Divine inner knowing. You are more amazing than you know.”

We all have a divine inner knowing within. These can be the experiences we have learned from others, our ancestors and the inner wisdom we each hold within. That spark of divine inner wisdom can be felt through your intuition, instincts and imagination. 

We have all heard people say the following:

·       I just knew…it was the right or the wrong thing to do.

·       I have a gut feeling about this…

·       I just know in my heart that it’s the right/wrong thing to do…

·       I should have listened to my gut instinct…

·       I feel I’m on the right path.

These are all examples of folks expressing their knowledge or inner wisdom. Pay attention to these sentiments when you think them too, dear heart. We all have the wisdom of the ages in our DNA and are wiser than we can fathom.

When we are in sync with our inner knowing, we flow through life living from our heart space and not in our heads where we often overthink things and flounder.

Remember, dear heart, you are more amazing than you know. Lean into your inner knowledge and inner wisdom: inner healer and watch what happens.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.


Enjoy a beautiful,devotional-self-care, and gratitude journal with lots of room to write which includes 21 journal prompts pdf as an opt-in gift to my weekly love letter from the Angels.

Need more peace in your life and want to find out about the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.


Cheerfulness: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Dec, 6-12 2020.

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for Dec. 6-12, 2020.

“Your Inner Light is always there. It is Divinely given. Be of good cheer today and spread a little loving light in your world.”

This message sheds a whole new light on the holiday message to be of good cheer. How can we put more cheerfulness in our lives this year when the world so desperately needs more love and light?

Gratitude can fuel that inner light, that source of cheer. One candle can brighten up the darkness. Its light can be seen from far off. Others benefit from the gift of light, it makes it easier to find things once their eyes get adjusted to the light. Any love and light you can share with the world is a divine gift and an inspiration not only to you, dear heart but to all those that benefit from the gift of your light: your cheer, your cheerfulness. Check out my video of me reading my chapter on Gratitude: The Magical Elixir to Reduce Stress, Worry, and Anxiety in the video below.

The song, “This Little Light of Mine” has been special to me for decades. Do you know this song too? If not, check it out on YouTube. Here’s a great version from Bruce Springsteen, enjoy. When I first heard it as a young child, I knew it was my truth and that I would let my little light shine, and that I wouldn’t hide it under a bushel (even though I forgot about shining my light during my teens.)

Another cool fun fact is that Cheerfulness is my message for the Month of December. When I hear or think about holiday cheer I will remember to shine my cheery self with the world. I will rest when I need to to keep myself in tip-top shape so that I can radiate the divine light within me placed there by the Divine as a gift to me and the world. Won’t you join me? The world needs your big beautiful light especially now.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Being of good cheer is an act of bravery: an act of faith, and a beautiful gift to share with the world. Amen and so it is and so it shall be.


Enjoy a beautiful,devotional-self-care, and gratitude journal with lots of room to write which includes 21 journal prompts pdf as an opt-in gift to my weekly love letter from the Angels.

Need more peace in your life and want to find out about the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.


Schedule/Timing: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Nov. 15-21 2020.

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for Nov. 15-21, 2020.

“Your Creator knows you are super busy. Today, what can you eliminate from your schedule to allow time for yourself? Start with five minutes.”

Perhaps, you are like me and like to make lists and schedules and delight in structure. The angels often remind me to lighten up and remember that I am not the one in control.

This message really came through loud and clear early last year. I had just purchased an expensive planner with the intention of putting my nose to the grindstone focusing on my business and getting my message out there. Enjoying planning it all down in vivid detail.

My expensive planner went by the wayside when it was replaced with my oncologist’s calendar two months at a time which notated all kinds of treatments, procedures, labs, and appointments galore. Pancreatic cancer made her presence known.  

It is often laughable, how much I think I can control. 2020, has shown us that we have very little control over things. I know the only thing I truly can control is my response.

I love this invitation to see what we can eliminate, reschedule, or postpone. Enjoy the gift of time in self-care of your precious self, dear heart. You can start, one baby step at a time.

Sending you blessings of love, joy, and peace.



Enjoy a beautiful,devotional-self-care, and gratitude journal with lots of room to write which includes 21 journal prompts pdf as an opt-in gift to my weekly love letter from the Angels.

Need more peace in your life and want to find out about the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.


New Skill: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Nov. 8-14 2020.

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New Skill

Week 45

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for Nov. 8-14, 2020.

“Your Creator is giving you a gentle nudge to learn something new. What is it you desire to know do or be? You are Divinely protected and inspired to move forward with that desire, dear one.”

Light a candle and spend some time in quiet contemplation, dear heart and ponder just what this invitation to learn a new skill means to you. Allow yourself to daydream about possibilities, dreams and desires that make you giddy with anticipation. What feels delicious to you about this blessed nudge? Know that you are never alone, you have the wisdom and the protection of all of Creation flowing through your veins. You are more capable than you could ever imagine.

Sometimes we allow our sense of perfectionism or needing to be a master at something and close the door on possibility. We are afraid to look silly.

How can you allow yourself the grace to try something new with the knowledge that it is ok to start as a beginner? Just as we all begin to walk by scooting along, crawling, pulling ourselves up again and again without giving up, allow yourself the gift of trying a new opportunity with an open mind.

We didn’t think as we were learning to walk as toddlers…I look silly…I can’t do this…I’ll never be able to walk…what will people think? We knew we were strong, capable and determined. We just kept trying, knowing we could do whatever we put our minds to. We persevered knowing we were developing a new skill that would get us to where we wanted to be.

What new skill is whispering to you, dear heart? The angels are cheering you on. You can do it.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



Need more peace in your life and want to find out about the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.


New Habit: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Oct. 25 -31, 2020.

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New Habit

“That thing you have wanted to do, learn or become can begin today. One brave baby step in uncharted waters each day is all it takes.
The Divine applauds you.”

This week’s message is quite encouraging and freeing. You, dear one, are being invited to take action on your dreams by your angelic team. They are cheering you on. One small brave baby step at a time.

What is the dream you have been dreaming of?

That desire that keeps surfacing to come to fruition?

One brave baby step forward at a time is all we are asked to do. We are loved, supported, and protected always. The Divine is applauding our efforts.

I taught a class recently based on my Chapter 3 Daily Rituals: Conjuring Up a Magical Life Using Intention in The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing, Vol. 3. We talked about our daily rituals and habits and one woman was guided to try journaling at a different time of the day and she was going to embrace that divine nudge. Sometimes, just a simple change in something we are currently doing makes a huge difference.

What new habit suggestion is whispering to you, dear heart? Are you being guided to try something new? This could be just the message you need to take action this week. Lately, I’ve been guided to incorporate more organics into my nutritional choices. I’ve been selecting organic whenever available and this new habit feels right for me. My body is craving cleaner and simpler food and beverage. The more fruit and vegetables I consume, the less sugar I crave. This is a beautiful new habit for me.

If you have been guided to incorporate more gratitude in your life or to employ more self-care in your day you are in just the right place. I have an Angel Circle of Gratitude private group on Facebook and we are taking a deep dive into gratitude during the month of November. I’d love to have you join us. Gratitude is the magic elixir to reduce stress, worry, and anxiety and has so many other benefits to body, mind, and spirit.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



My friend Pam and I are teaching a class on Nov. 7 called “Love Your Inner Child Today” and you may be feeling guided to join us. It’s an opportunity (an open door so to speak) to make peace with your past and celebrate the precious inner child each of us has within regardless of our age, circumstances, or education. It’s a 2-hour class online through The Wellness Universe. Find out more here.

Want to learn more about the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.


Willingness: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Oct. 18-24, 2020.

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Message for Oct. 18-24, 2020.


“Be open; be present. Doors are opening for you all the time. Faith is being willing to bravely move forward. Embrace the now.”

Being willing is to be in flow and one with the rhythm of life. It is to choose ease and being guided instead of struggle and angst. Surrendering versus controlling. Being present in the here and now is truly a gift in life when you think about the present moment think about the gift that is truly is.

Opportunities are constantly availing themselves to you. Sometimes we are looking for a specific thing or outcome and the Universe may deliver it in a way we weren’t expecting. That is the beauty of being in the now, being open to receiving the goodness and grace always flowing to us. Saying yes and thank you with a heart full of love and gratitude.

Walking through the open door requires faith. It is literally stepping into the unknown. Do you want it bad enough, dear heart? It requires action on your part to go for that thing that lies just beyond your comfort zone, your field of vision, and into the realm of the unknown. People describe it as walking off the cliff and waiting for the next step to be given to you. It can also feel like hiking a trail where your next steps are obscured.

My friend Pam Bohlken, of Healing in Progress Body, Mind and Soul describes becoming a published author in this same vein. It wasn’t on her vision board or goals for 2020 to become a published author but the chance to participate in a book collaboration presented itself. It felt scary and delicious and she was willing and open to the opportunity and said yes. She said she felt like literally the door was opened and she just walked in. She was willing to bravely move forward in faith.

I always received great comfort in the passage of Psalms 119:105, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Do you know and love this passage also?

What is calling to you, dear heart? Is there a door that is beckoning you? Is there something you want to try that requires you to step forward in faith outside of your comfort zone? The angels are applauding you and are right there beside you cheering you on to that thing that seems impossible when you think about it but in your heart of hearts, feels delicious.

My friend Pam and I are teaching a class on Nov. 7 called “Love Your Inner Child Today” and you may be feeling guided to join us. It’s an opportunity (an open door so to speak) to make peace with your past and celebrate the precious inner child each of us has within regardless of our age, circumstances, or education. It’s a 2-hour class online through The Wellness Universe. Find out more here.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



Want to learn more about the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.
