The Angels assure us that now is the time for JOY
Focus on what is...not on what is not
From God “Focus on what is - not on what is not”
To me this means to focus on the possibilities of the yes - what is- the power of the positivity. I want to give no thought or energy to what lacks at the moment. It is quite possible and probable that which lacks today may be a “yes” tomorrow, next month, next year or not at all. My power and precious life energy will be spent on the what is - including the what is possible.
The Beauty and Gift of Stillness
My Trust Manifesto
30 Angel Affirmations for the Month of April
An affirmation is a short, powerful statement used to consciously affect your thoughts in a positive way. We have an estimated 50,000 thoughts a day and most of them are not pretty. Often, we are very critical of ourselves. We would not dream of talking to another the way we “speak” to ourselves in our inner dialogue.
31 Affirmations for the Month of March
An affirmation is a short, powerful statement used to consciously affect your thoughts in a positive way. We have an estimated 50,000 thoughts a day and most of them are not pretty. Often, we are very critical of ourselves. We would not dream of talking to another the way we “speak” to ourselves in our inner dialogue.