Hello, dear one,
Welcome to Angel Angles with Janette Stuart
Your life is a blessing and you are meant to live a life of joy. You are meant to live your life Drenched in Love. You came from pure, unconditional love and that’s where we’ll return when our earthly journey is complete.
I am grateful and honored to share the beautiful work of the angels. The angels are God's messengers. There is so much love, joy and peace for us. How may I be of service to you, dear one?
I'm Janette Stuart and Angel Angles is my joyous work in the world. My services as angelic practitioner include being an Emissary of Joy, angelic channel of Divine love, a certified angel card reader, and author of the "On a Path of Joy" book series (available worldwide on Amazon and here in my shop), writer and core blogger for The Wellness Universe and share monthly Angel Affirmations.
Thanks for visiting my home page. Reminding you of your magnificence and that you are worthy and deserving of excellent self-care.
Self-Care isn’t selfish, it’s a way to honor the gift of your life. I created a Self-Care Strategies ebooklet as a gift to you for signing up for my Love Letters, sent on select Sundays. Scroll to the bottom of this page and sign-up and it’ll be winging its way to you soon.
My friend Becky and I are leading a year-long program called Deep Dive in 2025. It’s a small group of like-minded souls who will journey together in sacred circle. We’d love to have you join us. You can find out more HERE.
As an international best-selling author, I love sharing the gift of my words to inspire and motivate.
Let me read you my latest chapter "Your Word of the Year: How to Curate the Life of Your Dreams.”
Drenched in Love is the latest book and inspirational card deck. You can find the book on Amazon and here in the shop.
I have created my own inspirational card deck called "Love Notes from the Divine" which is available on Amazon.
If you are on Facebook, come visit my Angel Circle of Gratitude private group where we focus on Gratitude, Love, Appreciation, Delight/Devotion (GLAD) to help fill your cup daily.
Here’s to you. May your heart be gladdened, your joy more profound and your soul steeped in extra love.
Blessings of love, joy, and peace,
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Get your 33 page Self-Care Strategies eBooklet now. Free when you sign up for my Love Letters sent on select Sundays. See bottom of the page and sign-up.

Watch for details here. I’m a Featured Author in The Wellness Universe’s very first book “A Complete Guide to Self-Care” due out wait for it…11-11-2020. I love the angel numbers!
Connect with Janette at The Wellness Universe. I am a grateful member, core blogger, Ambassador and Expert Presenter at The Wellness Universe. If you are interested in becoming a member of The Wellness Universe, tell them I sent you. Here’s the link to get you started.